Annexure to the annual financial statements

Shareholder spread Number % Shares %
1 – 1 000 shares 7 808 73.77 897 142 0.10
1 001 – 10 000 shares 1 654 15.63 6 640 777 0.73
10 001 – 100 000 shares 825 7.79 27 233 218 2.98
100 001 – 1 000 000 shares 211 1.99 69 671 916 7.63
1 000 001 shares and over 86 0.81 809 212 821 88.57
Total 10 584 100.00 913 655 874 100
Distribution of shareholders Number % Shares %
Private Investor 246 2.32 265 089 482 29.01
Corporate Holding 8 0.08 161 169 748 17.64
Unit Trusts 52 0.49 134 880 268 14.76
Unclassified 34 0.32 127 945 836 14.00
Pension Funds 61 0.58 73 236 856 8.02
Trading Position 13 0.12 66 205 101 7.25
Mutual Fund 19 0.18 26 888 063 2.94
Insurance Companies 12 0.11 17 220 261 1.88
Hedge Fund 5 0.05 14 854 867 1.63
Stock Broker 1 0.01 13 204 033 1.45
Exchange-Traded Fund 5 0.05 3 739 897 0.41
Medical Aid Scheme 5 0.05 2 871 702 0.31
University 5 0.05 2 320 061 0.25
Custodians 4 0.04 2 161 000 0.24
Local Authority 1 0.01 785 875 0.09
Remainder 10 113 95.55 1 082 824 0.12
Total 10 584 100 913 655 874 100
Public/non-public shareholders Number % Shares %
Non-public shareholders 9 0.09 430 292 846 47.10
Strategic Holdings (more than 10%) 1 0.01 100 000 000 10.95
Treasury Stock 1 0.01 31 889 362 3.49
Directors and Associates 7 0.07 298 403 484 32.66
Public shareholders 10 575 99.91 483 363 028 52.90
Totals 10 584 100 913 655 874 100
Beneficial shareholders holding 2% or more Shares %
Shotput Investments (Pty) Ltd* 100 000 000 10.95
Levy BM 87 364 326 9.56
Levy MS 79 956 918 8.75
Allan Gray Balanced Fund 57 329 627 6.27
Zarclear Securities Lending Pty Ltd 51 305 113 5.62
Blue Label Telecoms Ltd 31 889 362 3.49
ERZ Telecoms CC 26 943 509 2.95
Centriq Sasol Equity Portfolio 25 000 000 2.74
Government Employees Pension Fund (PIC) 24 337 191 2.66
Seaview Global Investments 20 000 000 2.19
Allan Gray Equity Fund 18 588 349 2.03
Totals 522 714 395 57.21
Shareholders holding 2% or more Shares %
Allan Gray Pty Ltd 125 609 099 13.75
Shotput Investments (Pty) Ltd* 100 000 000 10.94
Levy BM 87 364 326 9.56
Levy MS 79 956 918 8.75
Zarclear Securities Lending Pty Ltd 51 305 113 5.62
Sanlam Investment Management 45 066 969 4.93
Blue Label Telecoms Ltd 31 889 362 3.49
ERZ Telecoms CC 26 943 509 2.95
MIBFA 26 593 364 2.91
Seaview Global Investments 20 000 000 2.19
The Vanguard Group Inc 19 452 876 2.13
Total 614 181 536 67.22
* A discretionary trust, of which Kevin Ellerine is one of a number of potential beneficiaries, holds an interest in Shotput Investments Proprietary Limited. The indirect beneficial shareholding of Kevin Ellerine as disclosed per the Directors’ report refers to his effective shareholding in Ellerine Group Proprietary Limited.