Human capital

The Group progresses in its efforts to attract and retain key talent. As a matter of policy, companies make a concerted effort to promote staff already in their employ when opportunities arise. The Group partners with recruitment agencies and executive search companies, while its appointments network also include social media channels.

All new staff, usually on their first day of work, participate in a detailed induction, which covers an introduction to the Group, its vision, mission, ethics, products and services, recent financial performance, management team, health and safety requirements, policies, procedures and processes.

All new employees automatically gain access to the Group’s various benefits, such as medical aid, Group life scheme, wellness programmes and free access to Group products and services.

The Group life benefit scheme is fully funded and includes death, disability, dreaded disease and funeral benefits. Membership of Discovery Health is compulsory for all new permanent employees earning over R6 500 per month. For staff earning less than this amount, Boncap Medical Aid is available.

All changes to terms and conditions of employment, including any changes to significant operational matters, are dealt with in a consultative manner with staff, with the objective of mutual consensus.

Staff (excluding those at Velociti) have relevant job descriptions containing detailed KPAs and KPIs. Each job has been rated on the Patterson Grading System. Performance assessments are conducted bi-annually and linked to remuneration and incentive structures. Skills development plans are referenced to job descriptions, KPAs and KPIs. The entire process is managed via the employee self-help module on Psiber.

The Group regularly hosts social and wellness days at head office. These include blood drives in partnership with the South African National Blood Service, food Kos Competition, Women’s Day and World Aids Day. On Vitality days, staff on Discovery medical aid may undergo various health checks, while earning points towards their vitality status. Wellness programmes are positively supported by all.

A monthly internal newsletter is e-mailed to staff across the Group, sharing news on operational highlights, important events, achievements, profiling companies and employees, while recognising standout performers, called “Super Heros”.

The Group’s management views incidents of child or forced labour as morally abhorrent, and consequently does not allow such activities. The Group upholds the protection provided by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, the Bill of Rights, and labour laws.


The Group promotes and supports equal opportunity and fair treatment of all staff in accordance with its employment equity policy. The Group’s recruitment policies and procedures enable staff and external candidates to compete for job and/or promotional opportunities in an equitable environment where the sole criterion is merit based.

The Employment Equity Committee meets quarterly to discuss and review various matters such as barriers to employment and affirmative action initiatives.

Subsidiary company employment equity performance relative to targets is recorded and monitored and reported to the Social and Ethics Committee. The Group continues to be non-unionised.

The table below reflects the demographics of the employee base over three years, excluding international operations.

  Levels AM CM IM WM AF CF IF WF Total
  Unskilled and defined decision-makers 24 1 3 1 22 1 0 0 52 62 72
  Semi-skilled and discretionary decision-makers 62 16 14 19 79 17 4 29 240 239 131
  Skilled technical and academically qualified workers,
junior management and supervisors
49 15 34 114 32 14 26 67 351 280 224
  Professionally qualified and experienced specialists and mid-management 3 3 10 50 3 1 8 14 92 81 94
  Senior Management 0 0 6 17 0 0 2 8 33 32 57
  Top Management 2 0 0 23 1 0 0 1 27 36 35
  Total permanent 140 35 67 224 137 33 40 119 795 730 613
  Non-permanent staff 126 8 33 2 276 25 35 5 510 446 499
  Grand total 266 43 100 226 413 58 75 124 1 305 1 176 1 112

AM: African male, CM: Coloured male, IM: Indian male, WM: White male, AF: African female, CF: Coloured female, IF: Indian female, WF: White female.

The headcount increased approximately 10% over the year, largely due to strengthening the technical and skilled resources, and additional staffing at the call centre.

The consolidated Group Employment Equity Report was approved by the Department of Labour.