Excel downloads
Continuing operations 
Revenue  18 438 662  20 756 487 
Finance revenue  382 628  378 839 
Total revenue  18 821 290  21 135 326 
Other income  103 684  105 273 
Direct operating costs*  (16 378 665) (18 866 243)
Finance costs incurred in the generation of revenue  (59 371) (144 472)
Employee compensation and benefit expense  (637 387) (512 647)
Depreciation and amortisation  (188 883) (189 314)
Impairments and fair value movements  7 795  (364 233)
Bad debts and expected credit loss  11 900  (116 332)
Other expenses  (508 973) (411 308)
Operating profit  1 171 390  636 050 
Finance costs  (131 947) (229 988)
Finance income  59 717  78 175 
Share of gains from associates and joint ventures  2 951  16 598 
Profit before taxation  1 102 111  500 835 
Taxation  (249 416) (219 752)
Profit after taxation from continuing operations  852 695  281 083 
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations  25 321  (61 976)
Profit for the year  878 016  219 107 
Profit for the year from continuing operations attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent  805 286  226 786 
Non-controlling interest  47 409  54 297 
Profit/(loss) for the year from discontinued operations attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent  25 321  (102 305)
Non-controlling interest  –  40 329 
Earnings per share for profit/(loss) attributable to: 
Equity holders (cents)
– Basic  94.55  13.89 
– Diluted  91.36  13.89 
* Direct operating expenses are the operating expenses directly attributable to the production of goods and services sold by the Group. These include, but are not limited to, the costs associated with the acquisition of airtime and handsets sold by the Group.