Total Africa Distribution Solutions
Revenue from contracts with customers 18 159 335 20 756 487 17 979 576 20 567 383 179 759 189 104
  Prepaid airtime, data and related revenue 16 370 708 18 842 481 16 370 708 18 842 481
  Postpaid airtime, data and related revenue 103 656 137 922 103 656 137 922
  Prepaid and postpaid SIM cards 532 073 634 809 532 073 634 809
  Services 344 603 319 623 164 844 130 519 179 759 189 104
  Electricity commission 350 912 358 728 350 912 358 728
  Handsets, tablets and other devices 199 246 262 926 199 246 262 926
  Other revenue 258 137 199 998 258 137 199 998
Subscription income share 279 327 279 327
Revenue 18 438 662 20 756 487 18 258 903 20 567 383 179 759 189 104
Finance revenue 382 628 378 839 382 628 378 839
Total revenue 18 821 290 21 135 326 18 641 531 20 946 222 179 759 189 104

Revenue generating entities accounted for as discontinued operations that were previously disclosed within the Africa, Mobile and International segments are not included in current or prior period revenue per the Group statement of comprehensive income. The Mobile and International segments have been excluded from the above table as the only revenue generating entities that were accounted for within these segments were part of the VAS Operations that were accounted for as discontinued operations and disposed of in the prior year. Refer to the note on discontinued operations.