For the six months ended  Note    30 November 
30 November 
Continuing operations 
Revenue  8 914 291  9 365 787 
Finance revenue  198 583  216 235 
Total revenue  4  9 112 874  9 582 022 
Other income  11  323 959  93 213 
Changes in inventories of finished goods  (7 734 055) (8 412 569)
Finance costs incurred in the generation of revenue  (17 892) (31 804)
Employee compensation and benefit expense  (326 423) (285 271)
Depreciation and amortisation  (90 657) (93 183)
Impairments and fair value (losses)/gains  (149 036) 39 970 
Other expenses  (306 928) (282 227)
Operating profit  811 842  610 151 
Finance costs  (68 290) (71 869)
Finance income  35 542  27 529 
Share of profits from associates and joint ventures  9 566  1 017 
Profit before taxation  788 660  566 828 
Taxation  (197 870) (127 317)
Profit from continuing operations for the period  590 790  439 511 
Profit from discontinued operations  5  1 011  27 489 
Profit for the period  591 801  467 000 
Other comprehensive loss: 
Items reclassified to profit or loss 
Foreign currency translation reserve reclassified to profit or loss  —  (52 538)
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss 
Share of other comprehensive income/(loss) of associates and joint ventures  1 529  (7 715)
Gain on hedging instruments reclassified to profit and loss  2 958  — 
Other comprehensive income/(loss) for the period, net of tax  4 487  (60 253)
Total comprehensive income for the period  596 288  406 747 
Profit for the period attributable to:  591 801  467 000 
Equity holders of the parent  531 451  440 090 
Non-controlling interest  60 350  26 910 
Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent arises from:  531 451  440 090 
Continuing operations  530 440  412 601 
Discontinued operations  1 011  27 489 
Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to:  596 288  406 747 
Equity holders of the parent  535 938  379 837 
Non-controlling interest  60 350  26 910 
Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent arises from:  535 938  379 837 
Continuing operations  534 927  352 348 
Discontinued operations  1 011  27 489 
Earnings per share  2  60.71  49.92 
Continuing operations  60.59  46.80 
Discontinued operations  0.12  3.12 
Diluted earnings per share  2  58.61  47.85 
Continuing operations  58.50  44.86 
Discontinued operations  0.11  2.99