Summarised Group statement of changes in equity

for the year ended 31 May 2019

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   Issued share 
capital and 
Balance as at 1 June 2017 – as previously reported  3 953 871  3 640 034  (2 665 758)
Prior year errors*  –  (84 792) (43 418)
Balance as at 1 June 2017 – restated*  3 953 871  3 555 242  (2 709 176)
Net profit for the year – restated*  –  1 122 085  – 
Other comprehensive loss – restated*  –  –  (14 182)
Total comprehensive income/(loss) – restated*  –  1 122 085  (14 182)
Treasury shares purchased  (28 846) –  – 
Shares issued  3 932 834  –  – 
Transaction costs on shares issued  (34 663) –  – 
Equity compensation benefit scheme shares vested  21 651  –  (21 362)
Equity compensation benefit movement  –  –  23 084 
Transaction with non-controlling interest reserve movement  –  –  (93 966)
B-BBEE transaction  –  –  1 400 
Non-controlling interest acquired  –  –  – 
Non-controlling interest disposed of  –  –  – 
Dividends paid  –  (349 804) – 
Balance as at 31 May 2018 – restated*  7 844 847  4 327 523  (2 814 202)
Adjustment on the initial application of IFRS 9  –  (95 888) – 
Adjustment on the initial application of IFRS 15  –  9 717  – 
Adjusted opening balance as at 1 June 2018  7 844 847  4 241 352  (2 814 202)
Net profit for the year  –  (6 646 383) – 
Other comprehensive income  –  –  63 905 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income  –  (6 646 383) 63 905 
Treasury shares purchased  (42 378) –  – 
Shares repurchased  (224 006) –  – 
Equity compensation benefit scheme shares vested  20 553  –  (19 915)
Equity compensation benefit movement  –  –  7 149 
Transaction with non-controlling interest reserve movement**  –  –  (61 677)
Non-controlling interest acquired  –  –  – 
Non-controlling interest disposed of  –  –  – 
Dividends paid  –  –  – 
Balance as at 31 May 2019  7 599 016  (2 405 031) (2 824 740)
Balance as at 1 June 2017 – as previously reported  4 928 147  67 137  4 995 284 
Prior year errors*  (128 210) –  (128 210)
Balance as at 1 June 2017 – restated*  4 799 937  67 137  4 867 074 
Net profit for the year – restated*  1 122 085  53 685  1 175 770 
Other comprehensive loss – restated*  (14 182) (465) (14 647)
Total comprehensive income/(loss) – restated*  1 107 903  53 220  1 161 123 
Treasury shares purchased  (28 846) –  (28 846)
Shares issued  3 932 834  –  3 932 834 
Transaction costs on shares issued  (34 663) –  (34 663)
Equity compensation benefit scheme shares vested  289  (289) – 
Equity compensation benefit movement  23 084  778  23 862 
Transaction with non-controlling interest reserve movement  (93 966) –  (93 966)
B-BBEE transaction  1 400  –  1 400 
Non-controlling interest acquired  –  66 645  66 645 
Non-controlling interest disposed of  –  (2 824) (2 824)
Dividends paid  (349 804) (27 750) (377 554)
Balance as at 31 May 2018 – restated*  9 358 168  156 917  9 515 085 
Adjustment on the initial application of IFRS 9  (95 888) (1 437) (97 325)
Adjustment on the initial application of IFRS 15  9 717  –  9 717 
Adjusted opening balance as at 1 June 2018  9 271 997  155 480  9 427 477 
Net profit for the year  (6 646 383) 24 187  (6 622 196)
Other comprehensive income  63 905  3 066  66 971 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income  (6 582 478) 27 253  (6 555 225)
Treasury shares purchased  (42 378) –  (42 378)
Shares repurchased  (224 006) –  (224 006)
Equity compensation benefit scheme shares vested  638  (638) – 
Equity compensation benefit movement  7 149  577  7 726 
Transaction with non-controlling interest reserve movement**  (61 677) –  (61 677)
Non-controlling interest acquired  –  (25 904) (25 904)
Non-controlling interest disposed of  –  1 099  1 099 
Dividends paid  –  (35 550) (35 550)
Balance as at 31 May 2019  2 369 245  122 317  2 491 562 
* As a result of the prior year errors the Group has restated their comparative financial information.
** The majority of this amount relates to the put option on the acquisition of Airvantage Technology Limited