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Condensed Group statement of comprehensive income
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For the six months ended  Note  30 November 
30 November  
Revenue   4  9 582 022  11 310 930 
Revenue from contracts with customers  9 365 787  11 112 117 
Finance revenue  216 235  198 813 
Other income  93 213  26 081 
Changes in inventories of finished goods  (8 412 569) (10 059 016)
Finance costs incurred in the generation of revenue  (31 804) (83 176)
Employee compensation and benefit expense  (285 271) (249 137)
Depreciation and amortisation  (93 183) (101 105)
Impairments and fair value gains/(losses) 39 970  (2 874)
Other expenses  (282 227) (194 226)
Operating profit  610 151  647 477 
Finance costs  (71 869) (119 481)
Finance income  27 529  36 197 
Share of profits from associates and joint ventures  1 017  13 040 
Profit before taxation  566 828  577 233 
Taxation  (127 317) (159 363)
Profit from continuing operations for the period  439 511  417 870 
Profit/(loss) from discontinued operations  8  27 489  (48 188)
Profit for the period  467 000  369 682 
Other comprehensive loss: 
Items reclassified to profit or loss 
Foreign currency translation reserve reclassified to profit or loss  (52 538) – 
Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss 
Share of other comprehensive loss of associates and joint ventures  (7 715) (221)
Foreign exchange loss on translation of foreign operations  –  (2 664)
Other comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax  (60 253) (2 885)
Total comprehensive income for the period  406 747  366 797 
Profit for the period attributable to:  467 000  369 682 
Equity holders of the parent  440 090  314 839 
Non-controlling interest  26 910  54 843 
Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent arises from:  440 090  314 839 
Continuing operations  412 601  377 537 
Discontinued operations  27 489  (62 698)
Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to:  406 747  366 797 
Equity holders of the parent  379 837  312 467 
Non-controlling interest  26 910  54 330 
Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent arises from:  379 837  312 467 
Continuing operations  352 348  374 905 
Discontinued operations  27 489  (62 438)
Earnings per share   2  49.92  34.83 
Continuing operations  46.80  41.76 
Discontinued operations  3.12  (6.93)
Diluted earnings per share   2  47.85  34.35 
Continuing operations  44.86  41.28 
Discontinued operations  2.99  (6.93)

* As a result of discontinued operations, the Group has restated their comparative financial information. Refer to note 8.