Summarised Group statement of financial positionas at 31 May 2022


Non-current assets  3 499 479  2 821 283 
Property, plant and equipment  195 313  194 193 
Right-of-use assets  36 266  58 746 
Intangible assets  1 665 549  1 051 627 
Goodwill  681 754  681 754 
Investments in and loans to associates and joint ventures  98 892  62 996 
Loans receivable  48 913  44 232 
Advances to customers  547 711  570 456 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss  133 293  75 342 
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income  8 536  6 915 
Deferred taxation assets  83 252  75 022 
Current assets  9 829 505  8 629 196 
Loans to associate  25 858  15 369 
Inventories  1 143 372  965 946 
Loans receivable  32 801  25 572 
Trade and other receivables  4 743 338  3 752 019 
Advances to customers  1 119 827  1 241 832 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss  14 008  143 797 
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income  11 688  — 
Current tax assets  15 022  67 336 
Cash and cash equivalents  2 723 591  2 417 325 
Total assets  13 328 984  11 450 479 
Capital and reserves  4 187 598  3 233 348 
Issued share capital and premium  7 544 531  7 543 436 
Other reserves  (2 871 437) (2 732 783)
Retained earnings  (585 307) (1 612 386)
Total ordinary shareholders' equity  4 087 787  3 198 267 
Non-controlling interest  99 811  35 081 
Non-current liabilities  783 878  237 563 
Deferred taxation liabilities  299 909  194 520 
Non-current lease liability  9 498  40 265 
Borrowings  474 471  2 778 
Current liabilities  8 357 508  7 979 568 
Trade and other payables  6 069 027  5 975 118 
Deferred revenue*  113 367  77 731 
Lease liability  37 384  32 860 
Financial guarantee contracts  —  105 621 
Provisions  —  500 
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss  22 200  68 742 
Current tax liabilities  21 467  14 504 
Borrowings  2 094 000  1 704 374 
Bank overdraft  63  118 
Total equity and liabilities  13 328 984  11 450 479 
Deferred revenue was previously aggregated into 'Trade and other payables'. This balance has now been presented separately due to its significance.