Related parties

Significant related-party transactions and balances

Sales to related parties Purchases from related parties
Cell C Limited and its related entities*  3 975 162  1 729 573  6 624 066  4 275 098 
Prepaid24 Proprietary Limited*1  —  8 832  —  — 
I Talk Financial Services Proprietary Limited*  5 924  3 645  2 452  651 
T3 Telecoms SA Proprietary Limited*  3 619 533  3 394 108  20 561  14 154 
I Talk Holdings Proprietary Limited*  28 192  23 756  42 542  12 935 
Income received from
related parties  
  Expenses paid
to related parties 
Dividends received from related parties 
I Talk Holdings Proprietary Limited*  —  14 000  —  — 
Utilities World Proprietary Limited*  5 885  —  —  — 
Finance revenue from related parties 
Cell C Limited and its related entities*  96 788  95 951  —  — 
Loans to related parties     Loans from related parties 
2DFine Holdings Mauritius*^  —  196 513  —  — 
Oxigen Services India Private Limited*^  —  45 908  —  — 
Brett Levy  48 286  41 857  —  — 
Mark Levy  48 286  41 857  —  — 
I Talk Financial Services Proprietary Limited*   8 000  8 000  —  — 
I Talk Holdings Proprietary Limited*  18 900  2 000  —  270 
T3 Telecoms SA Proprietary Limited*   14 682  15 016  —  — 
Total loss allowance on loans to related parties  (1 173) (247 992) —  — 
Lease asset due from
related parties  
  Lease liability due to
related parties 
Ellerine Bros. Proprietary Limited  —  —  10 059  18 419 
Moneyline 311 Proprietary Limited  —  —  10 059  18 419 
Uvongo Falls No 26 Proprietary Limited  —  —  10 257  18 859 
Amounts due from
related parties included
in trade receivables  
  Amounts due to related
parties included
in trade payables 
Cell C Limited and its related entities*  2 612 065  1 677 193  851 473  456 902 
Oxigen Services India Private Limited*   5 876  5 8762  —  — 
I Talk Holdings Proprietary Limited*  10 031  4 775  3 123  3 706 
T3 Telecoms SA Proprietary Limited*   9 687  3 879  —  — 
Total loss allowance on trade receivables to related parties  (32 650) (10 931) —  — 
   Amounts due from
related parties included
in other receivables 
Amounts due to related
parties included
in other payables 
Utilities World Proprietary Limited*  5 885  —  —  — 
These entities are associates/joint ventures. 
^  These loans have been written off in the current year. In the prior year, they were fully provided for and included as part of the total loss allowance. 
1  Prepaid24 Proprietary Limited was disposed of in the prior year. Transactions are disclosed up until the date of sale. 
2  In the prior year, the loan to Oxigen Services India Private Limited was incorrectly disclosed on a net basis. This has been corrected to show the gross amount and expected credit loss separately. 

Certain related party disclosure is required as a result of common directorships.