LM Nestadt (Chairman)*, BM Levy, MS Levy, KM Ellerine**, GD Harlow*, NP Mnxasana*, JS Mthimunye*, DA Suntup, SJ Vilakazi*, PL Zim*
(* Independent Non-Executive) (** Non-Executive)
J van Eden
Investec Bank Limited
PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2006/022679/06)
Registered address: | 75 Grayston Drive, corner Benmore Road, Morningside Ext 5, Sandton, 2196 |
Postal address: | PO Box 652261, Benmore, 2010 |
Contacts: | +27 11 523 3000/[email protected]/www.bluelabeltelecoms.co.za |
LinkedIn: | Blue Label Telecoms |
Facebook: | www.facebook.com/BlueLabelTelecoms |
Twitter: | @BlueLabelTeleco |
Instagram: | bluelabeltelecoms |
YouTube: | Blue Label Telecoms |
(Blue Label or BLT or the Company or the Group)