5.3 Directors’ emoluments


  Blue Label
Services as
Directors of
Blue Label


Services as
Directors of

of Blue

FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 2023        
Executive Directors        
BM Levy
MS Levy
DA Suntup
Non-Executive Directors        
LM Nestadt 2 323 2 323
KM Ellerine 720 720
GD Harlow 511 511 211
JS Mthimunye 1 206 1 206 68
SJ Vilakazi 1 102 1 102
PL Zim 469 469 45
NP Mnxasana 739 739 21
LE Mthimunye 632 632
  7 702 7 702 345
  7 702 7 702 345
Prescribed officers        
GB Levin
JS Newman
  7 702 7 702 345
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 2022        
Executive Directors        
BM Levy
MS Levy
DA Suntup
Non-Executive Directors        
LM Nestadt 2 191 2 191
KM Ellerine 679 250 929
GD Harlow 1 262 250 1 512 497
JS Mthimunye 1 137 250 1 387 60
SJ Vilakazi 979 250 1 229
PL Zim 586 250 836 21
NP Mnxasana 697 250 947
  7 531 1 500 9 031 578
  7 531 1 500 9 031 578
Prescribed officers        
GB Levin
JS Newman
  7 531 1 500 9 031 578


  Salary and allowances
from subsidiaries
Bonuses and performance-
related payments
of trade

Other benefits
from subsidiaries
value of forfeitable

FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 2023            
Executive Directors            
BM Levy 10 936 10 936 21 872 11 581
MS Levy 10 936 10 936 21 872 11 581
DA Suntup 5 792 4 054 9 846 6 134
  27 664 25 926 53 590 29 296
Non-Executive Directors            
LM Nestadt 2 323
KM Ellerine 720
GD Harlow 722
JS Mthimunye 1 274
SJ Vilakazi 1 102
PL Zim 514
NP Mnxasana 760
LE Mthimunye 632
  8 047
  27 664 25 926 61 637 29 296
Prescribed officers            
GB Levin 4 970 206 5 176 4 135
JS Newman 4 833 2 417 7 250 1 343
  9 803 2 417 206 12 426 5 478
  37 467 28 343 206 74 063 34 774
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MAY 2022            
Executive Directors            
BM Levy 10 317 12 793 1 391 36 24 537 23 830
MS Levy 10 317 12 793 1 391 36 24 537 23 830
DA Suntup 5 464 4 645 10 109 12 621
  26 098 30 231 2 782 72 59 183 60 281
Non-Executive Directors            
LM Nestadt 2 191
KM Ellerine 929
GD Harlow 2 009
JS Mthimunye 1 447
SJ Vilakazi 1 229
PL Zim 857
NP Mnxasana 947
  9 609
  26 098 30 231 2 782 72 68 792 60 281
Prescribed officers            
GB Levin 4 689 3 282 192 8 163 7 104
JS Newman 3 262 2 280 5 542 1 000
7 951 5 562 192 13 705 8 104
34 049 35 793 2 782 264 82 497 68 385

The fair value of forfeitable shares per Director has been included.

No Director has a notice period of more than one year.

No Director's service contract includes predetermined compensation as a result of termination that would exceed one year's salary and benefits.

  Issue date  Issue
Vesting date  Awards
as at the
of the year
of shares
the year
the year
the year
as at
the end
of the year
For the year ended 31 May 2023                 
Executive Directors                 
BM Levy   18 November 2019   2.55  31 August 2022   1 908 425  258 210  —  (2 166 635) — 
BM Levy   1 September 2020  3.20  31 August 2023   1 520 776  —  —  —  1 520 776 
BM Levy   6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024   803 501  —  —  —  803 501 
BM Levy   1 September 2022  6.25  31 August 2025  —  874 878  —  —  874 878 
        4 232 702  1 133 088  —  (2 166 635) 3 199 155 
MS Levy   18 November 2019   2.55  31 August 2022   1 908 425  258 210  —  (2 166 635) — 
MS Levy   1 September 2020  3.20  31 August 2023   1 520 776  —  —  —  1 520 776 
MS Levy   6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024   803 501  —  —  —  803 501 
MS Levy   1 September 2022  6.25  31 August 2025  —  874 878  —  —  874 878 
        4 232 702  1 133 088  —  (2 166 635) 3 199 155 
DA Suntup   18 November 2019   2.55  31 August 2022   1 010 776  136 758  —  (1 147 534) — 
DA Suntup   1 September 2020  3.20  31 August 2023   805 462  —  —  —  805 462 
DA Suntup   6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024   425 565  —  —  —  425 565 
DA Suntup   1 September 2022  6.25  31 August 2025  —  463 369  —  —  463 369 
        2 241 803  600 127  —  (1 147 534) 1 694 396 
Prescribed officers                 
GB Levin  18 November 2019  2.55  31 August 2022  318 400  43 080  —  (361 480) — 
GB Levin  1 September 2020  3.20  31 August 2023  328 125  —  —  —  328 125 
GB Levin  6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024  615 300  —  —  —  615 300 
GB Levin  1 September 2022  6.25  31 August 2025  —  198 801  —  —  198 801 
        1 261 825  241 881  —  (361 480) 1 142 226 
JS Newman  6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024  177 570  —  —  —  177 570 
JS Newman  1 September 2022  6.25  31 August 2025  —  193 344  —  —  193 344 
        177 570  193 344  —  —  370 914 
For the year ended 31 May 2022                 
BM Levy   1 September 2018  7.16  16 March 2022  448 843  —  (299 244) (149 599) — 
BM Levy   18 November 2019  2.55  31 August 2022  1 908 425  —  —  —  1 908 425 
BM Levy   1 September 2020  3.20  31 August 2023  1 520 776  —  —  —  1 520 776 
BM Levy   6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024  —  803 501  —  —  803 501 
        3 878 044  803 501  (299 244) (149 599) 4 232 702 
MS Levy   1 September 2018  7.16  16 March 2022  448 843  —  (299 244) (149 599) — 
MS Levy   18 November 2019  2.55  31 August 2022  1 908 425  —  —  —  1 908 425 
MS Levy   1 September 2020  3.20  31 August 2023  1 520 776  —  —  —  1 520 776 
MS Levy   6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024  —  803 501  —  —  803 501 
        3 878 044  803 501  (299 244) (149 599) 4 232 702 
DA Suntup   1 September 2018  7.16  16 March 2022  237 725  —  (158 491) (79 234) — 
DA Suntup   18 November 2019  2.55  31 August 2022  1 010 776  —  —  —  1 010 776 
DA Suntup   1 September 2020  3.20  31 August 2023  805 462  —  —  —  805 462 
DA Suntup   6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024  —  425 565  —  —  425 565 
        2 053 963  425 565  (158 491) (79 234) 2 241 803 
Prescribed officers                 
GB Levin  1 September 2018  7.16  16 March 2022  75 419  —  (22 626) (52 793) — 
GB Levin  18 November 2019  2.55  31 August 2022  318 400  —  —  —  318 400 
GB Levin  1 September 2020  3.20  31 August 2023  328 125  —  —  —  328 125 
GB Levin  6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024  —  615 300  —  —  615 300 
        721 944  615 300  (22 626) (52 793) 1 261 825 
JS Newman  6 April 2022  6.42  31 August 2024  —  177 570  —  —  177 570 
        —  177 570  —  —  177 570