
Word Definition
1D One dimensional space
2D Two dimensional space
3D Three dimensional space
Act/the Act/ Companies Act Companies Act, No 71 of 2008, as amended from time to time
ADRs American Depository Receipts
AEON Blue Label’s proprietary switch through which all transactional capability is accessed. Banking grade transactions are switched through the Postilion platform
AEON EVD The Aeon Electronic Voucher Distribution platform is a central repository in which electronic (or virtual) stock is housed. It is  referenced by other internal platforms like EVMS, AMS and AEON
AMS Airtime management system
APS Africa Prepaid Services
APSN Africa Prepaid Services Nigeria
ARCC Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
ARPU Average revenue per user
B2B Business-to-business, a commercial transaction between businesses
B2C Business-to-consumer, a commercial transaction between a business and a consumer
badly banked See underbanked
B-BBEE Broad-based black economic empowerment
BGCSA Boys & Girls Club of South Africa
BLD Blue Label Distribution Proprietary Limited
BLDS Blue Label Data Solutions Proprietary Limited
BLM Blue Label Mexico S.A. de C.V.
BLT Blue Label Telecoms Limited
Blue Label/Blue Label Telecoms Blue Label Telecoms Limited
bulk printing Ability to print bulk vouchers
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFD Contract for difference
CIO Chief Information Officer
CIPC Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
Company Blue Label Telecoms Limited
content aggregator An organisation which gathers web content and applications from different online sources for reuse and resale
CPA Consumer Protection Act
CRC Customer relation consultant
CRM Customer relationship management
CSDP Central Securities Depository Participant
CSI Corporate social investment
CSR Corporate social responsibility
developing economies A term generally used to describe a nation with a low level of material wellbeing (not to be confused with third-world countries). Since no single definition of the term “developed country” is recognised internationally, the levels of development may vary widely within so called developing countries, with some developing countries having high average standards of living
DIFR Disabling injury frequency rate
disintermediation Reduction in the use of intermediaries between network operators and consumers
distribution channels For Blue Label, our distribution channels include retail and wholesale outlets, petroleum forecourts, informal retail outlets, individual merchants/entrepreneurs, corporates and independents (Mom & Pop stores)
DTH (TV) Direct-to-home television, a method of receiving satellite television services
dti Department of Trade and Industry
EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation
EEC Employment Equity Committee, which reports to the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee
EFT Electronic funds transfer
EMV compliant The global standard for inter- operability of chip cards, POS terminals and automatic teller machines, in accepting Eurocard, Mastercard and Visa Card
emerging economies Nations with social or business activity in the process of rapid growth and industrialisation
e-tokens Electronic tokens – a form of electronic cash used for secure transactions
EVMS Electronic voucher management system
Exco Executive Committee
FAQ Frequently asked question
FD Financial Director
fintech Financial technology, using software to facilitate or make more efficient emerging financial services
FMCG Fast-moving consumer goods
GPS Global positioning system
GRI Global Reporting Initiative. Established in 1997, with the mission of designing globally applicable guidelines for the preparation of enterprise-level, sustainable development reports
Group Blue Label Telecoms Limited and its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
IBC Inside back cover
IC Investment Committee
Infotainment Broadcast material that is intended both to entertain and to inform
interconnect fees Charges associated with calls terminated between two different operators (networks)
IRCC Internal Risk and Compliance Committee
IT Information technology
JSE JSE Limited
JV Joint venture
King III The King Report on Governance for South Africa 2009 including the King Code of Governance Principles for South Africa 2009
kiosk An area, usually within a retail outlet, which is dedicated to transactions for Blue Label products and services
KPA Key performance area
KPI Key performance indicator
KPMG KPMG Services Proprietary Limited
LBS Location-based services
Listings Requirements Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, as amended from time to time
LSM Living standards measure
M&A Mergers and acquisitions
MMS Multimedia messaging service
MNO Mobile network operator, such as Vodacom, MTN and Cell C in South Africa
MoI Memorandum of Incorporation
money remittances The ability to transfer money to another individual without a bank account
NAV Net asset value
NC Nomination Committee, part of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee
NERA National Empowerment Rating Agency
NFC Near field communications is a
short-range wireless technology that makes use of interacting electromagnetic radio fields instead of the typical direct radio transmissions. It is appropriate for applications where a physical touch, or close to it, is required in order to maintain security
NPCI National Payments Corporation of India, the national transactions switch
NQF National Qualifications Framework, the system that records levels of learning activities
OHSA The Occupational Health and Safety Act, No 85 of 1993
Oxigen/Oxigen India Oxigen Services (India) Private Limited
physical prepaid airtime Prepaid vouchers that are available as physical items
PIN Personal identity number
PINless top-up E-token recharge directly to mobile phone via a POS device
POP Points of presence
POPI Protection of Personal Information Act
POS Point of sale, usually a place or a device
PowerPin voucher Offline prepaid electricity top-up, consolidates the purchase of prepaid electricity across national municipalities
PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.
Q&A Questions and answers
R&D Research and development
RC Remuneration Committee, part of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee
RNC Remuneration and Nomination Committee
SAICA South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
SBI State Bank of India, the second largest commercial bank in India
SED Socio-economic development
shop-in-shop An area within a retail outlet which is allocated to transactions for Blue Label products and services
SIM card Subscriber identification module card
SMS Short message service
spaza shop An informal convenience outlet
SRI Index Socially Responsible Investment Index
SSETA Services Sector Education and Training Authorities
telco Telecommunications
ticketing For events and transport, includes sport, travel, entertainment, lifestyle and expos
TJ Transaction Junction Proprietary Limited
touch points Devices through which consumers are able to purchase Blue Label products and services
TPC The Prepaid Company Proprietary Limited
TPPC The Post Paid Company Proprietary Limited
transactional services Includes money transfers, payments of bills and the like
unbanked People without bank accounts
underbanked/ badly banked People with poor access to  mainstream financial services, such as banks and therefore rely on  alternative financial services or alternatively people with bank  accounts who do not  make  effective use of the broader services offered by the bank – they merely deposit and withdraw cash from their accounts
UniPIN Universal PIN for prepaid electricity
USSD Unstructured supplementary service data
value added Measure of wealth the Group has created in its operation by “adding value” to the cost of products and services
VAS Value-added services
Viamedia Viamedia Proprietary Limited
virtual distributor Distribution of e-tokens of value in electronic format
virtual prepaid airtime Airtime top-up in an electronic format
WAP Wireless application protocol
WASP Wireless application service provider
WASPA Wireless Application Service Providers Association
ZOK ZOK Cellular Proprietary Limited