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Governance framework
The Board regards governance as
fundamentally essential to the success of the
Company’s business and is committed to
applying the principles of good governance in
directing and managing the Company to
achieve its strategic objectives. The Board is
the focal point for, and custodian of, the Company’s governance framework through
its committee structures, relationship with
management, shareholders and other
stakeholders of the Company. The Board
remains ultimately accountable for the
performance and affairs of the Company.
Governance framework

The governance framework facilitates a
balance between the Board’s role of providing
direction and oversight with accountability to
support acceptable risk parameters,
consistent compliance with regulations,
standards and codes relevant to the Group
while encouraging entrepreneurial and
innovative spirit which remain key drivers of
Group performance. Governance processes in
the operating subsidiaries are aligned with the governance framework established by Blue
Label. Each subsidiary company has its own
board of directors and their strategy, business
plan and performance criteria are clearly
defined. The strategy and business plan of
each subsidiary are presented to the Blue
Label Board by the subsidiary’s management
on an annual basis. Subsidiary boards
comprise executive and non-executive
directors, some of whom are executive and
non-executive directors of Blue Label.
Application of King III
Blue Label is committed to the governance
principles of King III and continues to develop
its governance policies, practices and
procedures in line with an integrated
governance, risk and compliance framework.
It is the responsibility of the Board to ensure
the application of the principles contained in
King III. The JSE Listings Requirements further
stipulate compulsory adherence to certain
specific requirements of King III. A summarised
table of Blue Label’s application of King III
is available on the Company’s website at
Role of the Board
The Board conducts its business in accordance
with the principles of King III, which includes
exercising discipline, independence,
responsibility, fairness, social responsibility,
transparency and the accountability of
directors to all stakeholders. The Board
remains ultimately accountable for the
performance of the Company and oversees
processes which ensure that each business
segment is responsible for acting in
accordance with sound governance principles.
The Board has a charter which sets out its
role and responsibilities. Key responsibilities
are summarised as follows:
• |
Provide effective leadership based on an
ethical foundation. |
• |
Ensure that the Company has an effective
and independent audit, risk and compliance
committee. |
• |
Contribute towards and approve the
strategic direction of the Company. |
• |
Satisfy itself that the strategy and business
plans proposed for the achievement of the
Group’s objectives do not give rise to risks
that have not been thoroughly assessed by
management. |
• |
Ensure that the strategy will result in
sustainable outcomes taking into account
financial, environmental and social objectives
as approved by the Board. |
• |
Ensure the integrity of the Company’s
integrated annual report. |
• |
Define levels of authority, define areas of
materiality and approve a framework for
delegated authority. |
• |
Report on the effectiveness of the systems
of internal controls. |
• |
Be responsible for the governance of risk
through effective risk management
practices, including regularly reviewing and
evaluating risks to the Company and
ensuring the existence of an effective
risk-based internal audit as well as
appropriate internal controls. |
• |
Be responsible for IT governance, including
but not limited to monitoring and evaluating
significant IT investments and expenditure as
well as management of information assets. |
• |
Ensure that Blue Label is and is seen to be a
responsible corporate citizen. |
• |
Identify, manage and monitor the gap
between stakeholder perceptions and the
performance of the Company so as to
manage Blue Label’s reputation. |
The Board acts in the best interests of the
Company by ensuring that individual directors:
• |
adhere to the legal standards of conduct set
out in the Act; |
• |
are permitted to take independent
professional advice in connection with
discharging their duties following an agreed
procedure; |
• |
disclose real and perceived conflicts to the
Board annually and prior to each Board
meeting; and |
• |
deal in securities only in accordance with
the Dealings in Securities Policy adopted
by the Board. |
The Board is kept appraised of the Group’s
going concern status and monitors the
solvency and liquidity of the Company and
Group on a regular basis.
Composition of the Board
Blue Label has a unitary Board presently
consisting of 10 Directors. The four Executive
Directors are the two joint Chief Executive
Officers, the Finance Director and the Chief
Operating Officer. The remainder of the Board
comprises two Non-Executive Directors and
four Independent Non-Executive Directors.
The Chairman is elected by the Board on an
annual basis and his role is formalised in the
Board Charter.
All Directors are subject to retirement by
rotation every three years in terms of the
MOI. In this regard Messrs KM Ellerine,
JS Mthimunye and LM Nestadt will be retiring
at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting
and, being eligible, have made themselves
available for re-election. A brief curriculum
vitae of each Director appears on pages 21
to 25.
The Board, on the recommendation of the
RNC, assessed the independence of the
Non-Executive Directors at its meeting held in
June 2013 and confirmed the categorisation
of directors, as listed on page 102.
Appointment, development and
assessment of the Board
The Board on the advice of the RNC ensures
that it possesses the required number of
Directors with the correct skills, expertise,
diversity in demographics and mix of
personalities, appropriate for conducting
the business of the Board effectively. Board
candidates are selected and appointed by
the Board based on the recommendation of
the RNC.
Induction for new Directors is tailored based
on the knowledge and experience of the
Director in a listed environment. Focus is
placed on providing information on the Board
structure, business operations and Group
strategy. Ongoing training and development of Directors involve ad hoc presentations to the
Board by professional advisers and Senior
management to ensure that the Board is kept
abreast with governance, regulatory and
operational developments.
Assessment of the performance of the Board
collectively and the Directors individually will be
conducted on an annual basis. The Board is
assessed in terms of the following categories,
effectiveness and composition, Board dynamics
in terms of number of meetings, agendas, time
allowed for meetings and committee structures
as well as risk management, succession
planning, ethical leadership and corporate
citizenship. The results of the assessment is
summarised in a report to the chairman who
provides relevant feedback to the Board.
Company Secretary
The Company Secretary is responsible for the
effective and efficient administration of the
Group in accordance with the Act, King III and
the JSE Listings Requirements. In addition,
providing the Directors collectively and
individually with guidance as to their duties,
responsibilities and powers and, ensures that
all Directors have full and timely access to all
information that may be relevant to the proper
discharge of their duties and obligations.
Directors and Senior management have direct
access to the guidance and assistance of the
Company Secretary.
The Board’s formal assessment of the
competence, qualifications and experience of
the Company Secretary was not completed in
the review year, as the Company Secretary
resigned with effect from 30 April 2013.
Ms Janine van Eden was appointed Company
Secretary with effect from 1 June 2013 and it
is intended that the Board’s formal assessment
will take place in 2014.
The Company Secretary is not a Director of the
Board or of any subsidiary boards.
Board committees
The Board has delegated certain functions to well-structured committees without abdicating its own
responsibilities. The committees, its members and principal functions are set out below:
(weekly) |
MS Levy (C)
EC de Villiers*
BM Levy
MV Pamensky
DB Rivkind
DA Suntup |
• |
Implement strategies and policies of the Group |
• |
Manage the business of the Group |
• |
Senior management appointments and
performance management |
• |
Prioritise the allocation of capital, technical and
human resources |
• |
Review and approve acquisitions, disposals and
investments of up to R40 million per transaction. |
Audit, Risk and
(quarterly) |
JS Mthimunye (C)
EC de Villiers*
GD Harlow
NN Lazarus SC
BM Levy*
MS Levy*
DB Rivkind*
DA Suntup*
JS Vilakazi |
More information on the activities and responsibilities
of the committee is included on pages 58 to 62. |
and Nomination
(bi-annually) |
NN Lazarus SC (C)
EC de Villiers*
KM Ellerine
GD Harlow
BM Levy*
MS Levy*
DB Rivkind* |
• |
Determine and agree with the Board, the
framework or broad policy for the remuneration of
the Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors
and any other members of executive management
or as it is designated to consider |
• |
Review, for recommendation to the Board, the
design of and targets for the Group’s Forfeitable
Share Plan |
• |
Determine annually whether awards are to be
made under the Forfeitable Share Plan and the
overall and individual amounts of such awards |
• |
Recommend to the Board the remuneration of
Non-Executive Directors for approval by
shareholders |
• |
Identify and nominate candidates for the approval
of the Board, to fill vacancies as and when they
arise |
• |
Recommend the appointment of new Executive and
Non-Executive Directors, including recommendations
on the composition of the Board and the balance
between Executive and Non-Executive Directors
and any adjustments that are deemed necessary. |
More information on the activities and responsibilities
of the RNC is included on pages 52 to 57. |
Social, Ethics and Transformation
(bi-annually) |
JS Vilakazi (C)
MJ Campbell*
EC de Villiers*
KM Ellerine
GD Harlow
IJ Hindley*
NN Lazarus SC*
BM Levy (alternate
DB Rivkind) |
• |
The main function of the committee is to monitor
the Group’s activities and compliance with
legislation relating to equality, black economic
empowerment, good corporate citizenship, the
environment, health, public safety and consumer
and labour relations, as well as to advise the
Board of Directors, where necessary and
appropriate |
• |
The Group’s ethical business conduct, including
any activity on the ethics hotline, is reviewed by
the committee. |
The report of the committee is on page 63. |
Investment (ad hoc, minimum 2) |
GD Harlow (C)
EC de Villiers*
DR Hilewitz
NN Lazarus SC
BM Levy
MS Levy
JS Mthimunye
MV Pamensky
DB Rivkind
DA Suntup |
• |
Review acquisitions, investments and disposals
made within the Executive Committee’s mandate |
• |
Review, consider and approve proposed
acquisitions, investments and disposals of
the Group recommended by the Executive
Committee ranging from between R40 million
and R100 million per transaction |
• |
Recommend to the Board acquisitions and
investments of the Group above R100 million |
• |
Review the performance of each investment and
acquisition made. |
C – chairman
*attends by invitation
Attendance at Board and committee meetings
NM – Not a member
A – Apology
* Alternate to BM Levy