Notes to the Group annual financial statements

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  1. Significant accounting policies
  2. Critical accounting estimates and assumptions
  3. Financial risks
  4. Property, plant and equipment
  5. Intangible assets
  6. Investments in associates and joint ventures
  7. Loans receivable
  8. Starter pack assets
  9. Deferred taxation
  10. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
  11. Inventories
  12. Trade and other receivables
  13. Cash and cash equivalents
  14. Assets and liabilities of disposal group classified as held-for-sale and discontinued operation
  15. Share capital
  16. Borrowings
  17. Trade and other payables
  18. Provision
  19. Revenue
  20. Employee compensation and benefit expense
  21. Operating profit
  22. Finance (income)/costs
  23. Taxation
  24. Earnings per share
  25. Cash generated by operations
  26. Taxation paid
  27. Disposal of subsidiaries
  28. Business combinations
  29. Commitments
  30. Related party transactions
  31. Directors’ and prescribed officer’s emoluments
  32. Segmental summary
  33. Equity compensation benefit
  34. Interest in subsidiairies, associates and joint ventures
  35. Subsequent events
  36. Litigation update


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