In the comparative year, the technology segment was reported on separately. As the bulk of its function and services are interdependent in the distribution of airtime, electricity and starter packs, it is more prudent to house its expenditure in the South African distribution segment. Accordingly, the technology segment has been included in the South African distribution segment and the comparative segmental results in this regard have been restated in accordance with IFRS 8 “Operating Segments”. Prepaid airtime, annuity revenue generated from starter packs and commissions earned on the distribution of prepaid electricity, accounted for a 1% increase in revenue. This excluded the growth of R820 million in sales of pin-less top ups, the gross profit thereon only being accounted for as revenue. Growth in revenue effectively equated to 6%. Commissions earned on the distribution of prepaid electricity increased by R28 million (33%) to R113 million on revenue generated on behalf of utility suppliers of R7.2 billion (2012: R5.5 billion). The Group acts as an agent in the distribution of prepaid electricity. Gross profit increased by R62 million (6%), supported by margin increases from 5.75% to 5.99%. On exclusion of IFRS adjustments and in turn reflecting the true trading performance of this segment, gross profit increased by R122 million on margin growth from 5.33% to 5.90%. Of this growth of 0.57%, commissions on prepaid electricity accounted for 0.14%. The growth in EBITDA of 8% was inclusive of the effects of IFRS adjustments. On exclusion of these adjustments in both the comparative and current years, a more representative growth of R119 million (18%) was achieved. INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION
Historically revenue and gross profit was generated by SharedPhone International, which was disposed of in January 2012. Negative EBITDA of R31 million was predominantly related to the costs incurred on the ongoing litigation pertaining to Africa Prepaid Services Nigeria (APSN). The losses in the comparative year from discontinued operations pertained to the winding down of APSN. The Group’s objective in the international segment is to partner with local management in the countries in which it operates. These partnerships result in its international operations being equity accounted for. The Group’s current active international operations, namely, Ukash, Oxigen Services India and Blue Label Mexico are disclosed accordingly under share of losses from associates and joint ventures. Share of these net losses comprised the following: UkashThe Group’s share of profits in Ukash, after the amortisation of intangible assets, increased by 227% to R7.3 million. These results were achieved through organic growth in revenue by 32%, an increase in gross profit by 39% and EBITDA growth of 66%, all reported in its local currency. Oxigen Services IndiaOxigen Services India’s revenue increased by R470 million (18%) to R3 billion and gross profit increased by R10 million, both reported on in South African rand. Operating expenses increased by R7.7 million (16%), resulting in a decline in EBITDA by R2.4 million to R11.7 million. The increase in operating expenses was largely due to the necessity to recruit 200 field sales executives, who were hired and trained during the current year in order to enable the company to reach the expansive rural and urban areas in the Indian market place. Further expenditure was incurred on the costs of the migration of PSTN to GPRS, affording wireless portable devices the capability of catering for more products at lower operating costs per terminal, as well as on the migration of the entire OSI platform to the new “Oxisecure” platform. The implementation of the Mobicash wallet with the State Bank of India to facilitate money transfers and the launching of an interbank mobile payment system together with the National Payment Corporation of India to enable money transfers by the unbanked, utilising the “Oxicash” Wallet, also necessitated additional operating expenses. After accounting for depreciation of R10 million, NPAT declined from R4.9 million to R1.3 million. The Group’s share of profits of R0.7 million equated to a decline on the prior year by R2.2 million. Amortisation of intangibles amounting to R1.3 million resulted in a net share of losses of R0.6 million. In the comparative year, the Group’s share of profit, after the amortisation of intangibles, amounted to R4.6 million inclusive of a consolidation adjustment of R2.9 million. This adjustment had no impact on the trading performance of Oxigen Services India during that year. Blue Label MexicoIn the comparative year, Blue Label Mexico (BLM) incurred losses of R60 million after the amortisation of intangible assets, of which the Group’s 40% share equated to R24.9 million. In spite of revenue growth of 103% in the current year, losses in BLM escalated to R113 million, of which the Group’s share equated to R51.1 million. The increase in losses was attributable to margin compression and a significant increase in overheads. Furthermore, the Group increased its shareholding from 40% to 45% during the course of the financial year and in turn the Group assumed an additional 5% share of these losses. The decline in gross profit margins was attributable to a reduction in discounts afforded by Telcel, Mexico’s predominant network operator, which controls approximately 70% of the Mexican market. Telcel, however, would reinstate the previous margins afforded to BLM, plus additional discounts, on the proviso that BLM would contractually agree to become an exclusive distributor on their behalf. Accordingly, a contract was concluded between BLM and Telcel on 1 April 2013 giving effect to this new arrangement. The increase in overheads was congruent with BLM’s strategy to gear-up as a national distributor. This process also required the procurement of additional point-of-sale devices in anticipation of a national roll out. This in turn had a negative impact on depreciation by 58% in local currency, which equated to 78% on conversion to rand. Although the above initiatives proved costly, during the current year, BLM is now positioned to roll out nationally, offering more favourable discounts, with a solid foundation in place to support national distribution. MOBILE
This segment comprises Cellfind, Blue Label One, Content Connect Africa, Blue Label Engage and Panacea Mobile. Content Connect Africa was disposed of in September 2012 and Panacea Mobile and Blue Label Engage were acquired during the current year. The growth in revenue by 74% to R151 million was mainly attributable to the introduction of bulk SMS facilitation by Cellfind and Panacea Mobile. This resulted in the commensurate growth in gross profit by 44% to R95 million. EBITDA for the comparative year included the once-off income receipt of R79.4 million. On exclusion of this receipt, EBITDA increased by R19 million (106%) to R37 million. On the same basis core net profit increased by R19 million after taxation thereon. SOLUTIONS
The Solutions segment houses Blue Label Data Solutions (BLDS), Velociti and CNS Call Centre. BLDS, which markets data and analytical products and services increased its revenue by R10 million (19%) and gross profit by R4 million (12%), resulting in a contribution of R19 million towards Group core net profit. This positive contribution was negated by core net losses of R8 million incurred by Velociti. Velociti’s losses were incurred as a result of a significant decline in outbound campaigns. It is the intention to increase the volume of inbound activity in order to compensate for outbound declines. CORPORATE
The increase in negative EBITDA was attributable to a loan impairment of R6.3 million. The decline in core net loss was mainly due to the change in legislation applicable to secondary tax on companies (STC). No STC was payable on the dividends declared in the current year, whereas STC on dividends declared in the comparative year amounted to R11 million. Statement of financial positionTotal assets increased by R785 million, of which R347 million was attributable to growth in non-current assets and R438 million in current assets. The movement of intangible assets and goodwill by R200 million related to acquisitions to the extent of R33 million, the cost of annuity driven starter pack and post paid bases totalling R264 million, less disposals and amortisation of R18 million and R79 million respectively. The increase in investment in associates and joint ventures totalling R167 million was due to further investment into Blue Label Mexico of R110 million, the impact of foreign currency translation reserves of R80 million, set off by net losses of R47 million incurred by these companies. The movement in current assets by R438 million was mainly due to an increase in inventories by R1.3 billion which was attributable to bulk purchase transactions, causing a decline in cash resources by R1 billion. Although the stock turn consequently increased from an historical average of 11 days to 38 days, the discount afforded thereon justified the excess in inventory holding. Accounts receivable increased by R152 million, maintaining the debtors collection period at 27 days. The net profit of R425 million less a dividend of R155 million and a movement of R88 million in foreign exchange translation reserves were the main contributors to the growth in capital and reserves. Trade and other payables increased by R462 million with average creditors days increasing from 37 days to 46 days. Statement of cash flowsCash flows of R432 million were generated from operating activities before accounting for the movement in inventory and accounts payable directly attributable to bulk purchasing transactions. There was a negative generation of cash flow of R440 million after accounting for the bulk purchase transactions. A further R406 million was applied to investing activities, of which R110 million related to an additional investment in BLM, R264 million to the acquisition of the annuity bases, R26 million to capital expenditure and R3 million to acquisitions. After the payment of dividends of R159 million to shareholders and non-controlling interest and the acquisition of treasury shares for R17 million, the cash on hand at year-end amounted to R941 million. Forfeitable share schemeForfeitable shares totalling 3 496 103
(2012: 4 828 644) were issued to qualifying
employees. During the year 1 285 962
(2012: 1 067 904) shares were forfeited and
Dividend No 4The Group’s current dividend policy is to declare an annual dividend. On 18 August 2013, the Board approved and declared a gross ordinary dividend (number 4) of 25 cents per ordinary share (21.25 cents per ordinary share net of dividend withholding tax) for the year ended 31 May 2013. This dividend of R168 627 261, inclusive of withholding tax, equates to a 2.52 cover on headline earnings. The dividend for the year ended 31 May 2013 has not been recognised in the financial statements as it was declared after this date. Litigation updateFurther to the litigation update as disclosed in note 36 to the Group annual financial statements, subsequent events post this disclosure with regard to the Multi-Links litigation took place. On 6 September 2013 Telkom and MLT obtained an order from the High Court which has the effect of preventing the arbitrators from determining whether the agreement is valid and enforceable. ASPN has decided not to appeal against the order and has agreed to submit itself to the jurisdiction of the High Court for the purposes of defending the allegations made against it, Blue Label and the other defendants and for the purpose of proceeding with its claim against MLT for payment of the sum of US$457 million arising out of MLT’s wrongful repudiation of the agreement. Blue Label and the other defendants in the action vehemently deny the allegation made against them by Telkom and MLT and are of the view that the agreement will be found to be valid and enforceable. AppreciationI once again wish to express my appreciation to the Group’s finance teams for their professional input in the preparation of the financial results. David Rivkind